Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is A Tribal Tattoo Right For You

Tribal Tattoo No matter what corner of the world you visit or what culture or history you examine you will run across some reference to tattooing or body art. From the cold blistery shores of Ireland where the Celtics defended themselves against the Romans to the Islands of Sumatra where cannibalistic tribes roamed the islands, tribal tattoos have been in existence for a long time. The reemergence of tribal tattoos has become a popular venue for tattoo enthusiasts and tattoo shops across the United States and around the world. Even celebrities are embracing tribal tattoos. Why are tribal tattoos back in popularity and why should you as a tattoo consumer want to get one?

Tribal Tattoo (2)Tribal tattoos have been apart of the cultural heritage of many people from different times. Sometimes adorned to put fear in an enemy’s heart and sometimes used as a story board, tribal tattoos had a message and a meaning for both the wearer and the beholder. For example ancient tribes in Samoa wore intricate tattoos that covered most of their bodies. This was not for some warrior attribute but to show respect for the gods that governed their world. The Samoan’s tribal tattoo would tell stories of honor and courage to appease their gods and let them know that they were held in the highest respect.

But why are tribal tattoos popular today? Most tattoos have grown from the genre of cartoon figures and funny pictures to a more mature perception. The ‘I love Mom’ tattoo with the cupids and the hearts has fallen to a want for a tattoo that actually means something and reflects the feelings and desires of the wearer. Not only does it reflect a primal wanting, but the tribal tattoo also reflects a aura of mystery. If you wear a tribal tattoo and someone is staring at your or asking your questions, you have met your goal in inspiring awe and curiosity.

Tribal Tattoo (3)Some people get tribal tattoos for the erotic effect it has over their lovers. The black intertwining stripes and symbols cause partners, either present or future, to think about the mysteries of where those curves go and where the tribal tattoo will end up under the clothing. Women particularly like to put tribal tattoos on the small of their back to entice their mates with seduction as tattoo floats back and forth from sight by the waistline of her jeans. Some tribal tattoos are drawn on women’s breasts to accent the curve of the breast or the depth of the cleavage. Erotic attraction trough tribal tattoos have happened throughout the centuries and the reemergence in our culture and time is not surprising.

Tribal tattoos can be exciting and adventurous. When shopping for a tribal tattoo you might want to check on the history of the tattoo and what culture it comes from. The tattoo you might think is exotic might mean that a warrior has had a lot of kills or that you own many cattle. Just like when you tattoo a Japanese character on your body, the meaning is sometimes more important than the shape and form. The tribal tattoo design is one of the world's most popular tattoo designs. A tribal tattoo can be combined with any other tattoo to create a very unique design that only you have. Many different syles can go along with a tribal tattoo such as any angel tattoo design.